GUS Musician's Digest Fri, 24 Feb 95 11:37 PST Volume 12: Issue 42 Today's Topics: Bank switching ? GUS and Cubase? GUS Musician's Digest V12 #41 More Mouse Woes Under WFW 3.11 Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 10:27:46 +0200 From: (Timo Leivonen) Subject: Bank switching ? I just installed Pro Pats 3. I'd like to keep them as well the patches of my own out from the ULTRASND\MIDI directory. Actually I'd like to have all my patches stored in different directories related the type of the patches. (basses/pianos/strings/...) Unfortunately it's not possible to assign different bank for each midi channel. (I just liked to select the bank from the CW3.) Has anybody heard about possible future improvements ? Yes, I'm aware of PP3 config possibilities. It's just too messy to copy patches back and forth. I guess, I just have to stick with two or three huge patch directories. Could you give me some ideas on how to take care of swithing the patch directory ? I wouldn't like to restart windows every time I change the dir. The idea of storing the modified bank over the bank 0 in PatchManager is not that bad, but it seems to only change the patch configuration not the patch directory. IS THIS A BUG ? Or have I done something wrong ? ------------------------_____--------- Keep on gussing Timo /tile/ Leivonen ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 12:49:01 PST From: "Rod Jones" Subject: Re: GUS and Cubase? Tuomas Koskela writes: > Are there anyone using GUS (Max) and Cubase (sequencer for PC)? Does > Cubase (any version) support patch cache? There are one little mention about > Cubase and patch cache in FAQ, but I really like to have few comments from > people who are actually using Cubase and GUS. Is patch cacheing in Cubase as > convenient as in Cakewalk Pro 3.0? Any comments appreciated (I'm planning to > buy a sequencer, maybe Cubase v.2.5, very soon...). I've got Cubase For Windows V1.02, which seems to be a stripped down version of Cubase Score (V2.5). It's my understanding that no version of Cubase supports patch caching at the moment. I've been in touch with Steinberg-Jones regarding this, and if more people do the same, we'll eventually get GUS support. Lack of patch caching means that using Cubase for auditioning a bunch of midi files is a real pain. However for creative use, I tend to keep an open Patch Manager window for the infrequent occasions when I need to change a patch, and it's not really a problem. I have to say that if I'd known when I bought it that I'd end up buying a soundcard that Cubase didn't support but Cakewalk did.... I'd still have bought Cubase! Rod ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 12:13:51 -0500 From: iclnl! (Pieter van Horssen) Subject: Re: GUS Musician's Digest V12 #41 > Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 20:21:30 +0200 (EET) > From: Tuomas Koskela > Subject: GUS and Cubase? > > Hi! > > Are there anyone using GUS (Max) and Cubase (sequencer for PC)? Does > Cubase (any version) support patch cache? There are one little mention about > Cubase and patch cache in FAQ, but I really like to have few comments from > people who are actually using Cubase and GUS. Is patch cacheing in Cubase as > convenient as in Cakewalk Pro 3.0? Any comments appreciated (I'm planning to > buy a sequencer, maybe Cubase v.2.5, very soon...). > Tuomas, I have a GUS and I am using Cubase Score 1.10. This version uses patch caching. Contrary as with Cakewalk for Windows, there is no need to do specific actions. With CW for W you have to use a 'refresh' function from one of the drop-down menu's. If I were you I would buy Cubase Score for Windows (its expensive) but it works well. I am sure that Cubase v.2.5 will not give caching, may be V.3 Rgrds, Pieter van Horssen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 09:40:46 -0500 From: mbsmm! (Mark Clements) Subject: More Mouse Woes Under WFW 3.11 >>Now that I get V3.57 installed, when I load WFW 3.11, my mouse cursor >>will not show up! If I exit Windows and run it again, it will show up! >I also have the same problem of the vanishing mouse cursor under >Windows For Workgroups 3.11, but with GUS S/W V3.59. The cursor >disappears immediately before the program manager window opens. My setup is V3.57 & WFW 3.11. I have my mouse cursor when windoze starts up, but eventually the mouse cursor freezes and won't move anymore. Windoze is still active - I can shut it down using the keyboard. Anybody out there with a clue? -- Mark Clements "Arf, she said." ------------------------------ End of GUS Musician's Digest V12 #42 ************************************ To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (general use, programmers, etc.).